Feeling not to great I called in sick and headed off to the doctor.
I was supposed to have gone to the doctor weeks earlier to get results for my blood test.
Date | Total Chol | HDL Chol | LDL Chol | Triglyceride | LDL/HDL Ratio | Total Chol/HDL Ratio |
201310 | 6.9 | 1.5 | 5 | 0.8 | 3.33 | 4.60 |
Date | Total Chol | HDL Chol | LDL Chol | Triglyceride | LDL/HDL Ratio | Total Chol/HDL Ratio |
201310 | 266.82 | 58.00 | 193.35 | 30.94 | 3.33 | 4.60 |
The first thing the doctor said was I want to put you on a statin. I told her I want to read up on the drug first. I also expressed my desire to somehow be able to get a quantifiable test where I can actually see if my arteries are in fact getting clogged.
I got a strange response something along the lines of “we do not have the technology to do that and what does it matter?. If you get a scan and later get a heart attack who will you sue?”
The doctor also mentioned that she would like to see my LDL cholesterol under 2? Even back in 2011 when the doctor considered my blood work “perfect” it was not under 2.
I asked the doctor if she knew what my mmol/l LDL cholesterol value of 5 was in mmol/l “sorry I do not know”
I asked if she knew of a test that actually counts all the LDL particles big and the small harmful SDLDL. I just got a blank look.
The day I had my blood test I changed my diet over to the “bullet proof diet” the doctor was not interested in taking more blood tests she was adamant I need to take medication un the form of a statin.
Returning home did some goggling trying to find somewhere I can get my own blood test from.
I did not have any luck everywhere I called said they only do it if refereed from a doctor.
I got the feeling the pathology companies were annoyed at me asking, the phone call ended very quickly after I said ok thak you anyway.
I tried to look for a doctor that supports ketogenic diets, even found a few people asking the same question over at the bullet proof executive. Many questions but no answers.
Came across Low Carbs Downunder. could not find a listing for relevant GPs so I just fired off an e-mail to the contact us section. They are holding a “(Low Carb, High Fat) Nutrition” on the 30th of November 2013. I am considering going and hopefully learning of some better resources.
Reading the book “Wheat Belly” I am also hoping to learn of what the “Track your Plaque” scan is and where I can get one. Sure hope it is not something (propriety USA specific patterned copyrighted) etc.
In Thailnd almost every hospital has a website and a service to have a blood test no doctors referral needed. Although I have not been able to find a place that does a NMR
Lipo profile test. I will keep looking……..
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